For many years, my friend and I had grand plans for The Jumpseat. After countless revisions and other projects/work constantly pushing it to the backburner, I finally settled on using it as a repository for photo and travel essays and a place where I ramble about equipment.
Since I was a kid, I was always intrigued by the rear-facing seat that the flight crew use for takeoff, landing, or simply as a free seat. I would strike up conversations with flight attendants and talk about where they were going or where I was coming from. So I figured why not use it for a blog where I’m pretty much doing the same thing. Also, I think it just sounds cool.
I am a silly man who sometimes takes serious pictures.
I am a man who wears many hats. Mostly silly hats. During my 20’s, I did many things for money (nothing overly demeaning or exploitative). I worked at JFK airport, taught tennis, worked in a publishing company, and also tried my hand at freelance travel writing. The writing gigs sustained me for a few years before I moved on to something more stable. Then I found myself in a series of office jobs that got me through my early 30’s and while they were less exciting than travel writing, it did help fund one of my biggest passions: photography. And while I quickly advanced my skills behind the viewfinder, I really missed writing. And lo! The Jumpseat was born!